Harnessing Herbaceous Plants as an Eco-Friendly Source of Carbon-Based Adsorbents for Water Remediation: A Review

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, P.O. Box: 10071, Baghdad, Iraq.

2 Department of Environmental Science, College of Energy and Environmental Science, Alkarkh University of Science, P.O. Box: 10081, Baghdad, Iraq

3 College of Technical Engineering, Al-Farahidi University, P.O. Box: 10070, Baghdad, Iraq

4 Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, Tikrit University, P.O. Box: 34001, Saladin, Iraq


The water deficit by 2050 is anticipated to increase from 85 to 283 km³ annually, which puts the world in a real threat if no practical solutions are introduced. This research explores the diverse adsorption potential of herbaceous plants, particularly Rosaceae, Paeoniaceae, Malvaceae, and Asteraceae, to improve eco-friendly and efficient water remediation technologies. The study catalogs 22 herbaceous plants using Scopus data and focuses on pollutant adsorption. Rose waste (especially ultimate rose pulp) and rose flower biomass may remove wastewater pollutants. Novel biomass treatments like coating, pyrolyzing, soaking in activating solutions, and synergizing with additives increase pollutant water adsorption. Spent Alchemilla vulgaris leaves absorb methylene blue dye well. Paeoniaceae, represented by Paeonia ostii seed coats, showed novel heavy metal adsorbents with excellent capacities and reusability. Hibiscus species of Malvaceae show phytoremediation potential, removing dyes and adsorbing Safranin dye with activated carbon from Hibiscus cannabinus. In the Asteraceae family, sunflower-based adsorbents for water treatment were studied for various pollutants using biochar modification, chemical treatment, and nanoparticle incorporation. The exceptional adsorption properties of biochar, the cost-effective production of activated carbon, the versatility of sunflower straw-activated carbon, and the use of nanoparticles-coated sunflower husk were found for simultaneous antibiotics adsorption and dye removal. Marigold and Chamomile, Asteraceae plants, are versatile environmental adsorbents. This comprehensive research uses herbal-based adsorbents due to their efficacy, economic viability, and environmental sustainability.


Main Subjects

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