ZnO and SiO2 Nano Particles as Intermediate Coatings for Superhydrophobic and Whiter Self-Clean Polished Porcelain Tiles

Document Type : Original Article


1 Nano Pigments and Coatings Laboratory, Department of Physics, Yazd University, P.O. Box: 89195-741, Yazd, Iran

2 Department of Physics, College of Education, University of Garmian, Kalar-Kurdistan Region, P.O. Box: 70-236, Iraq


Traditional porcelain tiles often lack self-cleaning properties and suffer from aesthetic limitations. This study presents a novel approach for fabricating superhydrophobic, self-cleaning porcelain tiles with enhanced visual appeal. We strategically combined SiO2 and ZnO nanolayers with an antifouling material, applied via spray and drop coating methods. Characterizations (FE-SEM, FTIR, contact angle, UV-Vis, colorimetry, roughness, illuminance, and stain resistance) confirmed the effectiveness of our approach. Heat treatment of the antifouling coating (400 °C) significantly increased hydrophobicity (WCA=119°). SiO2 and ZnO intermediate layers enhanced water repellency, achieving 154° and 149° water contact angles, respectively. This demonstrates superhydrophobicity, in line with Cassie-Baxter's model, and mimics the lotus leaf's self-cleaning mechanism. Low surface energy, likely due to antifouling nanoparticle bonds, contributes to water repellency with roll-off angles of 6° and 7° and causes anti-stain properties on the tile surface. Importantly, these layers optimize surface roughness, boosting hydrophobicity and improving the whiteness and brightness of polished tiles. Surface roughness values of 308 nm (SiO2) and 158 nm (ZnO), along with superior whiteness values (116.4 and 106, respectively), were observed, exceeding surfaces without intermediate layers (57.5). Rayleigh scattering theory explains the whiteness enhancement. Stain resistance significantly improved with intermediate layers, while surface gloss remained unchanged. This research demonstrates the potential of our coating approach to create highly functional and visually appealing polished tiles for diverse industrial applications.


Main Subjects

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