Optical and Morphological Properties of Poly(vinyl chloride) Thin Films with Organic Content Reinforced by Nanoparticles Embedded which is Freestanding

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Al-Nahrain University, P.O. Box: 64040, Jadriyah, Baghdad, Iraq

2 Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Al-Nahrain University, P.O. Box: 64021, Jadriyah, Baghdad, Iraq

3 Aeronautical Technical Engineering, Al-Farahidi University, P.O. Box: 10011, Baghdad, Iraq

4 Department of Environmental Science, College of Energy and Environmental Sciences, Al-karkh University of Science, Baghdad, 10080, Iraq

5 Air conditioning Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Warith Al-Anbiyaa University, Karbala 56001, Iraq

6 Department of Physics, College of Science, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad 64021, Iraq


Newly modified poly(vinyl chloride) nanocomposite thin films incorporating domperidone as an organic compound and doped with NPs (Co3O4, NiO, and Cr2O3) were fabricated using the casting method. PVC was modified with 25 g of the organic material domperidone (PVC/D) and subsequently doped with 0.01 g of Co3O4, NiO, and Cr2O3 NPs to create the modified nanocomposite thin films, PVC/D/Co3O4, NiO, and Cr2O3, the NPs dimeters was < 50 nm. These films were investigated using diffusive reflectance within the 250-1350 nm wavelength range. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis revealed a semi-crystalline structure for the modified PVC. The optical properties of the modified nanocomposite thin films were assessed, resulting in decreased transmittance and reflectance values, with absorption coefficients ranging from 88 to 94 %. Upon NP doping, the nanocomposite thin films' direct and indirect energy band gaps decreased from 4.7 to 3.0 and 4.3 to 2.9 eV, respectively. This decrease was attributed to an increase in localized states, leading to higher disorder within the material following an increase in Eu from 0.862 to 3.096 eV. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis illustrated the nanocomposite structure of modified PVC. In contrast, the measurements of atomic force microscopy (AFM) indicated increased surface roughness from 2.31 nm to 6.16 nm for the modified PVC thin films. These modified PVC nanocomposite thin films find potential applications in various industries, including air transport components, light-emitting diodes, laser sensors, UV energy shielding, light-harvesting devices, memory devices, and light-conversion technologies. 


Main Subjects

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