Effect of aging on fluorescence of some dental ceramics

Document Type : Original Article


1 DDS, postgraduate student, Department of prosthodontics, Dental branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Restorative Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Restorative, School of Dentistry, Dental Research Center, Dentistry Research Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

4 Department of Operative Dentistry, Dental School, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

5 Department of Inorganic Pigments and Glazes, Institute for Color Science and Technology (ICST), Tehran, Iran

6 Color Imaging and Color Image processing Dept., Institute for Color Science and Technology


Fluorescence of natural teeth and its alterations due to environmental factors should also be taken into account in restorations. This study aims to assess fluorescence changes of three types of dental ceramics.

36 Ceramics of Feldspathic, Emax, and Enamic in 10 mm diameter and the thicknesses of 0.5 and 1mm with glaze and polish finishes were studied. Fluorescence was measured before and after aging and were analyzed using Anova test.

The results showed that ceramics became opaque as the result of aging. This was more noticeable for Enamic ceramic with the lightness increase of 4.10 and 4.86 for the UV excited and non-excited measurements, respectively. Moreover, Enamic ceramic experienced significant changes in its fluorescence due to aging (-10.2) while Emax (-3.6) and feldspathic (-0.4) ceramics were superior to Enamic in this respect. In Feldspathic ceramic, due to the presence of feldspar phase, high resistance to aging process was observed. While, severe shifts in fluorescence due to aging were observed in Enamic ceramic.

Several factors affect color and fluorescence change of ceramics due to aging. Preparations stresses, adhesion of glazes and the formation of micro cracks on the ceramic surfaces are among the factors can influence on this behavior. In case on Enamic ceramic caveat should be taken as it can change its appearance due to fluorescence hue shift probably as a result of surface scattering of UV light. According to the findings of this study Feldspathic, Emax and Enamic are respectively preferable in terms of fluorescence stability during aging process.


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