Interactive Evolutionary Color Assignment and Proportioning for Camouflage Design with K-Means and Genetic Algorithm: A Case Study of Nigeria’s Landscape

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Fashion Design, Kyungpook National University, Sangju 37224, Republic of Korea

2 Department of Robot and Smart System Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea


Natural camouflage, seamlessly blending animals with their surroundings, remains challenging for artificial counterparts. Some animals exhibit near-permanent camouflaging, a product of decades of genetic evolution with their environment. At the same time, chameleons and octopuses achieve the ideal desired instantaneous camouflaging, unlike the heuristic-based approach of the artificial camouflage design. To attain similar perfection seen in animals, an evolutionary approach to artificial camouflage pattern development is necessary. Developing nations, primarily adopting the camouflage patterns of their more developed counterparts, may find themselves at a disadvantage. This study proposes a Genetic Algorithm (GA)-based approach to aid designers in developing countries in crafting effective camouflage. By parameterising heuristic development as a procedural texturing problem and evolving colour assignments iteratively, this approach aims to emulate the evolutionary process seen in nature. Using the K-means algorithm, genes are initialised based on background image colours, exploring factorial combinations to achieve optimal camouflage. With a maximum of 100 iterations and interactive feedback, the method addresses Nigeria's specific case and offers a faster development solution than developed nations' approaches. This evolutionary approach could revolutionise artificial camouflage development worldwide.


Main Subjects

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