In many applications of color technology such as spectral color reproduction it is of interest to represent the spectral data with lower dimensions than spectral space’s dimensions. It is more than half of a century that Principal Component Analysis PCA method has been applied to find the number of independent basis vectors of spectral dataset and representing spectral reflectance with lower dimensions. Recently, a new Interim Connection Space ICS named LabPQR was introduced, which contains three colorimetric dimensions and additional black metamer space. In the present study, the performance of PCA method in comparison to LabPQR was investigated for representation of spectral reflectance. For this end, different color datasets including Munsell, Glossy Munsell, GretagMacbethColorChecker, Esser test chart and two printing datasets were evaluated. The results show that, the performance of PCA and LabPQR, depends on the applied dataset. Based on spectral metrics such as RMS and GFC values, PCA has better results than LabPQR. Considering color difference errors, LabPQR is a better space even based on the color difference under second illuminant. Moreover, the used dataset for obtaining PQR vectors affects the representation results. For some datasets, the PQR components of the other sets perform better. However, obtaining PQR bases from the same data source, gives better results. Comparing Cohen and Kappauf based and unconstrained LabPQR methods showed that Cohen and Kappauf-based performs better for all the datasets.
Gorji Kandi, S. (2011). Representing Spectral data using LabPQR color space in comparison to PCA method. Progress in Color, Colorants and Coatings, 4(2), 95-106. doi: 10.30509/pccc.2011.75781
Gorji Kandi, S. . "Representing Spectral data using LabPQR color space in comparison to PCA method", Progress in Color, Colorants and Coatings, 4, 2, 2011, 95-106. doi: 10.30509/pccc.2011.75781
Gorji Kandi, S. (2011). 'Representing Spectral data using LabPQR color space in comparison to PCA method', Progress in Color, Colorants and Coatings, 4(2), pp. 95-106. doi: 10.30509/pccc.2011.75781
S. Gorji Kandi, "Representing Spectral data using LabPQR color space in comparison to PCA method," Progress in Color, Colorants and Coatings, 4 2 (2011): 95-106, doi: 10.30509/pccc.2011.75781
Gorji Kandi, S. Representing Spectral data using LabPQR color space in comparison to PCA method. Progress in Color, Colorants and Coatings, 2011; 4(2): 95-106. doi: 10.30509/pccc.2011.75781